Located in Greenville, South Carolina, Bob Jones University provides an outstanding regionally accredited Christian liberal arts education purposely designed to inspire a lifelong pursuit of learning, loving and leading. BJU offers over 100 undergraduate and graduate programs in religion, education, fine arts and communication, arts and science, and business. We are committed to the truth of Scripture and to pursuing excellence in all we do.
(see more)Located in Greenville, South Carolina, Bob Jones University provides an outstanding regionally accredited Christian liberal arts education purposely designed to inspire a lifelong pursuit of learning, loving and leading. BJU offers over 100 undergraduate and graduate programs in religion, education, fine arts and communication, arts and science, and business. We are committed to the truth of Scripture and to pursuing excellence in all we do.
Students Named to BJU Woodwind Ensemble

Several Students Named to Chamber Singers

BJU Students Perform in Richard III

Students Named to University Symphony Orchestra

BJU Names University Singers

Students Named to BJU Symphonic Wind Band

Bob Jones University Names Students to Percussion Ensemble

Bob Jones University Names Lyric Choir Members

Bob Jones University Names Students to String Orchestra

Students Named to the BJU Handbell Choir

Bob Jones University Names Students to Concert Choir

Students Named to BJU Chorale

BJU Names Cast of A Tale of Two Cities: The Musical

Bob Jones University Names Students to Chamber Harp Ensemble

BJU Names 2020-2021 Chamber Singers

Students Named to Bob Jones University 2020-2021 Woodwind Ensemble

Bob Jones University Names Students to 2020-2021 Percussion Ensemble

Bob Jones University Names 2020-2021 Lyric Choir

Bob Jones University Names Students to 2020-2021 Concert Choir

BJU Names 2020 University Singers

Students Named to the 2020-2021 University Handbell Choir

Students Named to 2020-2021 BJU Chorale

Students Named to 2020 BJU Symphonic Wind Band

Bob Jones University Names Students to 2020-2021 String Orchestra

Students Named to 2020 University Symphony Orchestra

BJU Students Perform in South Carolina Intercollegiate Honor Band

Bob Jones University Names Students to Chamber Harp Ensemble

Students Named to University Handbell Choir

Bob Jones University Names Students to 2019 Collegiate Choir

Bob Jones University Names Students to 2019 Concert Choir